It's going to happen. Spring always does come. The oaks are covered in tender chatreuse leaves, pink and purple azaleas are begining to bloom, yellow crocuses are pushing through the cold ground. It's as if the whole earth is coming alive, trembling with hope, reaching upwards for light and warmth. More so than New Year's resolutions, Spring has always been my time of renewal, when I shake off winter's dead cloak, dump the unfulfilled resolutions and embrace the new. So here is my revised list by priority:
1) Stay close to my family. They are dear to me and at my grandmotherly age, when they're so busy they don't have time to look up, and I am a side appendage, no longer in control, it's easy to drift apart. That's a biggie.
2) Dearly love the friends I have left. They're fewer and fewer as the years pass by.
3) Stay as healthy as I can. Put off eating mashed potatoes and peas as long as possible.
4) And my book resolution has taken a load off my shoulders. I'm not going to be a rich and famous author (I'm not a celebrity. I haven't murdered anyone or fleeced somebody out of all their money) but I do love writing, and am happy I can do that in my retirement. My new goal is sell a book a day - 30 a month. That's doable. That's easy. That's no sweat. $20 a book, add that to social security and I'm off to a warm Caribbean island. Yeah! Sure!