Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Why I Love Hammond

Donna Howes made wreathes in honor of the servicemen who went down in the helicopter. She hung them on the airport's eastern fence. Nobody asked her. No committee invervened. Phoebe Rabalais was instrumental in planning the memorial at Cate Square where 1500 people showed up. Mother and daughter. Outstanding women. I'm glad to be their friend.

Why I love SLU and the Alumni Association

Patsy Causey, retired from SLU faculty, and Kathy Pittman, director extraordinaire of the Alumni Association treated me to lunch recently. They were planning a book signing for Pohainake Parish at the new SLU book store. I was totally floored and absolutely thrilled by their kindness.I'll be there from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thursday, March 26. Perhap being an octagenarian has more merits than drawbacks.

Why I Love Hammond

The other evening I was eating at Lee's by myself which I fequently do, and a young lady approached me and asked if I'd like to share their table, since I was by myself. Normally, I have no problem eating alone, but she was so charming that I moved over and joined them. A really nice young couple from Husser. Went to pay the bill and the waitress informed us somebody at a nearby table had picked up the tab. I have no idea who. I have no idea why. That's why I love Hammond.

Monday, March 9, 2015

The UPS truck is stuck somewhere in the northern tundra will all my Pohainake Parish books aboard.
Missed having them at the Celebration of the Written Word. Maybe they'll deliver them in time for
the following:
March 10 - Ponchatoula Library Book Club 3 p.m. Everyone invited.
March  26   Southeastern La. University Book STore 10-2 p.m. Open to the World. 
March  31   Covington Book Club. 10 a.m. Meets at Charles and Second. 

Saturday's "Celebration of the WRitten Word" sponsored by the Hammond Regional ARt Center in downtown Hammond, was a smashing success. Regional authors, experts in their fields, shared their knowledge from the writing of cookbooks,mysteries, true crime, children's literature, biographies, publishing, etc. If you missed it this year, put it on your calendar for March, 2016.For writers as well as readers this conference is worth attending. Lots of knowledge. Lots of fun.