Monday, September 28, 2015

Dressed for Success!

The Annie Awards are given by the Chamber of Commerce to women who have contributed to the city. The award is named in honor of Ann Ferguson, an outstanding SLU professor greatly loved by her students and friends.  
I can give a book review, teach a class, or lead a discussion on just about anything, but don’t make me the honoree of any event. It makes me nervous, gives me the jitters, keeps me awake at night.
I’m getting ready to go and I don’t have anything fit to wear.  Dress or pants suit? Nobody wears dresses anymore, so I go for the pants suit I bought a month ago to have a picture taken for LifeStyle Magazine. I think there’s some female cardinal rule you shouldn’t wear the same outfit twice, but I hate to shop and the thought of wandering through Dillards, Pennys, Target, looking for another outfit defeats me. Besides, men wear the same suits all the time. In my prime when I dressed up women wore slips (and heaven forbid it hung out past the skirt hem) hose, and your bra strap better not show! Today bra straps are considered integral part of fashion, even better if the wearer shows off a tattoo on the shoulder.
The only pair of shoes that I can balance in is this old pair of tennis shoes. I’ve given away all the high-heeled, pointed-toe shoes that ruined one’s feet for life. I settled for an old pair of black patents I found in the back of the closet. They have wedge heels that help balance.
            Megan, my sweet helper, says I must wear makeup, so we go to the store and she picks out some foundation stuff to hide every blemish on my face. That set me back $40. Let me assure you, this face isn’t worth $40! Then there was lipstick and eye shadow and black mascara, etc. etc. totaling over $100, I’m catatonic. A charming sales woman applied all this gook to my face and assured me that like Helen of Troy, I could launch 1,000 ships.
            The other honorees, Chris Bentley, Terri Chaucer, Judy Couvillion, Lila Hogan, Cynthia Shelton, all looking like movie stars, beautiful and self-assured, receive their engraved silver platter from the hosts and then it’s my turn. Wainwright starting with a W, I’m used to being last. I’m not sure if I can get up from my chair. Suzanne Wainwright helps me to my feet and holds onto my arm until she knows I’m steady. I truly don’t want to dodder up to the front. That would be adding insult to injury. 
            I had no idea who nominated me for an Annie award. The emcee announces Pattie Giannoble was the one. All the Giannobles are very dear to my heart. The very first people I met when I moved to Hammond and they were so nice that I fell in love with the town. There’s no better place to live. We ate lunch at Grampa Giannobile’s every Sunday, at the farm where North Oaks Hospital is now.
            I’m standing, a little shaky, facing the attendees and suddenly realize that everyone is on their feet, applauding, a standing ovation. The accolade brought tears to my eyes and for a moment I though I might swoon, but then I thought, “I’m a tough broad. I can take this.”
           So from the bottom of my heart thank y’all very much.
All dressed!
It's just clothes!

1 comment:

  1. So, the not liking shopping must be in the genes. My mom disliked shopping for clothes but had a thing for shoes. I am super proud of you. Kudos!
