Monday, November 16, 2015

Cooking For NONE!

I have eliminated my culinary disasters by moving my kitchen two blocks away from my house, inconvenient if it’s raining or storming, but quite adequate most times. The garden club ladies have breakfast there, as does my friend Syd, and the retired gents who used to run city hall, the school board, the civic organizations and now just talk about it. The waitresses are friendly and quick. They slap down coffee on the table before you sit. Chef Russell serves a mean Blue Plate Special and its okay with him for old folks to order a child’s plate. His lasagna and Chef’s salad are legendary. I wish he’d make stuffed peppers more often, but I take what I can get since the big plus is I don’t have to wash dishes and there’s no danger that I’ll catch the place on fire, as I've done in my kitchen more times than I dare to recall.  In my next life, I am going to be a superb cook. Believe me, deep down, I know without doubt: if you cook it, they will come!  

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